About Us

Ovaspace Member

Who We Are
      Ovaspace is a team that composed of the talented, innovated and young people. The Managing body has more than a decade experience in ICT industry.
What we do
      Ovaspace is leading the way in implementing to enable digitalization for Small and Medium Enterprize (SME) that secures business growth for tomorrow’s competitive landscape. We consult your dream do come true by the state-of-the-art ICT solution.
What’s Values
      Ovaspace prides itself on our core values , in short C.A.R.E Values; Customer focus, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. These principles guide us in all that we do and we believe our organization is based on.
Why Ovaspace
      Helping Enterprises unleash their true sales power. We desgin your idea that can capable of sales roadblocks with adaptable products and services delivering planning, strategy, and optimization.